프리미어 아카이브

Yukari Ochiai “Inotama” exciting Live

시청 기한: 구매 후 7일간

아카이브 (2건)

December 27th (Sun)

Yukari Ochiai BAND "Inotama"!  
YR2020 Omnibus  
Live Start 18: 00-
2 Stages
Charge ¥ 2,500

Let's instinct both unpleasant and sad things!  
I want to conclude 2020 with a wonderful live performance where Inotama sound echoes funky ❣

You can watch this archive video until 10th Jan YR21

Hello YR2021
Goodbye YR2020  ︎

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Yukari Ochiai “Inotama” exciting Live 1,500 엔(세금 포함)
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